Brand new webpages introducing my research published!

The shoemaker’s children always go barefoot – and an academic focusing on digital technologies goes without decent webpages… until now! I finally managed to find some time to hire a web designer who created beautiful pages for me, reflecting my expertise as an interdisciplinary hybrid and as a someone who intends to open up new views by unexpected and creative combinations of fields, methods, and approaches.

Multi-talented communications specialist Kaisa Koski listened carefully my ideas, although they probably sometimes were very confusing, and designed the pages. She is also the creator of the hybrid creature having its little adventures here and there, and acting as a lens that reveals different kinds of ‘realities’. Most of the photographs appearing in the pages are from late photographer Ilkka Uusitalo’s collection, paying a tribute to his talent in capturing magnificent views and passion for extreme sports.

I will update the pages frequently, focusing especially on the ongoing DISC project but highlighting and reflecting my other research or teaching-related activities as well.


New edited book on Digital Literacy and Inclusion out